Sunday, May 15, 2022

An Idea...

Hey there,

We are Max, Kris & Bridgette.

So my friend Max & I started getting together on Sunday's to do a Bible study.  Just pick a book or a topic and dive in and see where it takes us.  We've both been like that for years.  Unafraid to try on alternate points of view, trying to understand what we believe and what the world looks like through another lens.  It was nice to pick this up again this past year.

Then we invited another friend Kris, to join us.  We've been watching video's and talking about faith and Jesus.  Then Kris suggests we record our sessions.


So here we are.


None of us know how to do this.

None of us claim to be theologians.

We just love God and are in pursuit of truth and understanding.

Sometimes this journey takes us to different places.  Sometimes we ultimate decide we don't agree with ideas we've come up with.  Sometimes we'll make changes in our beliefs alter our path slightly.

I've done a lot of that this past year.

We just thought it might be cool to share this with others.  

Hope you find something worthwhile in the process.


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